Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free Beer Now!

We love all of our clients equally.
Just like trying to choose which child you love more, it's important to remember they are all special to us in different ways.
Even the one with the dribbly nose who starts fights in class.
But on occasions a client comes along and, with a random act of kindness, just endears themselves to us in a way that makes us all think 'well, maybe just for today we'll love you that little bit more than everyone else'.
Such is the story with Wells and Young who answered a request to furnish us with some beer for our Full English Thursday in honour of St George and his slaying of the dragon and all that.
Expecting a few bottles we were already on the verge of putting in a request at the P*ss Shop (so called because it's an off-license up the road that, despite what time you go in there, always smells of someone's number ones. The fact that the proprietor always wears bedroom slippers is another off-putting characteristic).
Then, a big old lorry turns up with not one case, not two, but a whole ruddy palette full of delicious English beers.

Oh joy!
Last month Gaymers delighted us by also delivering a palette of their fine fruit-inspired beverages. We love them quite a lot too.
Can it get any better?
I'm currently sending out an email to our La Senza lingerie client. Who knows what might turn up on that palette!

Tight Squeeze

In recent months we've gone through a bit of an recruitment drive meaning that we don't really have that many meeting rooms anymore. Now that the fine weather is here we can of course lounge in our glorious garden, but when the conditions get a bit nippy we have to retreat inside.

Such is the demand for meeting rooms, a brave bunch of pioneers have tapped into the plentiful supply of lavatories (washrooms for our US visitors) and have taken to having a creative review in these less than salubrious surroundings.

Whether air freshener is required or the team wash their hands on the way out, we don't yet know.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009